Corpse Party Wiki
For the item found in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, see Amethyst.
For the similar protective item in Corpse Party: Blood Drive, see Talisman.
Power Stone
Power Stone



Pawā Sutōn

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

A pale violet crystal found by Ms. Yui. Protects it's bearer from harm.


Classroom 1-A


Protects Ayumi and Yoshiki from danger once.

The Power Stone (パワーストーン Pawā Sutōn?) is an item found in Corpse Party. It is able to keep away bad spirits and to protect anyone from danger.


Corpse Party


Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party: NewChapter, Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow



The power stone can be found by Yui in the classroom 1-A. When given to Ayumi and Yoshiki it offers them one time protection against any danger in the school. It shatters itself if the player gets in touch with Ryou Yoshizawa, if the player tries to read the fifth part of the "Victim's Memoires" or if Yoshiki tries to leave Ayumi alone while she is suffering from the darkening in the lavatories. In all the situations, Yoshiki is able to hear his teacher's voice asking if she managed to save them if caught by the ghost, suggesting to not read the pages, if trying to read the Victim's Memoires, and suggesting to not leave Ayumi alone, if trying to leave her alone.


Significant plot details end here.



  • This is one of the only two items that can be collected by Yui in Corpse Party, The other one being Classroom 3-A Key.
  • If the power stone is kept throughout chapter 2 it will not be in the players inventory when you regain control of Ayumi and Yoshiki in chapter 4. The reason for the loss is because each chapter from the original PC version was sold separately and the PSP version only ported it without making any modification.
  • Both this item and the Amethyst share the same icon only the stone is flipped.


Item Navigation
Items in Corpse Party: Blood Covered
CHAPTER 1 Box of Matches100 Box of MatchesFilthy Bucket Filthy BucketInfirmary Key Infirmary KeyLoose board Loose Board
Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing AlcoholUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 2 Cursed Doll's Head Antique Doll (Head)Cursed Doll's Body Antique Doll (Body)Unknown Key Classroom 3-A Key
Nail Puller Nail PullerHeavenlyPost NewspaperCursed Doll Penitent SpiritPower Stone Power Stone
CHAPTER 3 Blessed Shoes Blessed ShoesCrystal of Unsealing Crystal of UnsealingLoose board Loose BoardMini-DV Tape Mini-DV Tape
Nail Puller Nail PullerScented Beads100 Scented BeadsBuilding Key Tiny KeyUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 4 Cursed Doll Cursed DollCustodians Key Custodian's KeyNaomi's Cellphone Naomi's Cell PhonePump Room Key Pump Room Key
Rusted Valve Wheel Rusted Valve WheelTongue Ryou's TongueSeiko's Cellphone Seiko's Cell Phone
Tongue Tokiko's TongueWinder100 WinderTongue Yuki's Tongue
CHAPTER 5 Baby Statue100 Baby StatueBlack Cat Plushie Black Cat PlushieBuilding Key Front Door KeyGas BurnerMarbled Statue Marble Statue
SIN100 Mini-DV "Sin" Tape2 Mini-DV TapePhone 2 Morishige's Cell Phone
Naho's Notebook Naho's NotebookNaomi's Student ID Naomi's Student IDPrincipal's Keys Principal's Key
Sachiko's Tongue100 Sachiko's TongueScienceLabKey Science Lab KeyYuka's Shoes Yuka's Shoes
EXCHAP 1 Chihaya's Pouch Chihaya's PouchDistinguished Glasses Distinguished GlassesFelt Hat Felt HatInfirmary Key Infirmary Key
Superstar Glasses Superstar Sunglasses
Unused Icons Please note that the icons weren't used in the game, so the item name is a speculation.
Phone 1 Morishige's Cell Phone ● Yoshie'sDiary Yoshie's Diary