Corpse Party Wiki
If you're looking for the notes themselves, see Naho's Notes.
Naho's Notebook
Naho's Notebook



Naho no Techō

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

Surprisingly cute. Stands in stark contrast to the information contained within.




Acquire it to unlock the other notes in Naho's notebook.

Naho's Notebook (七星の手帳 Naho no Techō?) is a key item found in Corpse Party. It is used by Naho Saenoki to withhold her future updates to her supernatural blog.


Corpse Party


Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow



Naho Saenoki's notebook is found by Yoshiki Kishinuma and Ayumi Shinozaki, it lies on the floor of the entranceway in the fifth chapter. This begins their quest in search of the other notes from Naho's notebook.

The first note is found inside the notebook itself, talking about Naho's investigation of the Shinozaki estate.

The second note can be found in the hallway outside the classroom 1-A. It talks about Kou Kibiki and Shougo Taguchi's journey to Heavenly Host and now Naho dragged her friend into Heavenly Host to save her mentor.

The third note can be found in the first floor's bottom west hallway. It talks about how "Sachiko Ever After" or "Sachiko in the Everafter" as is it named in the note works and how to escape the school.

The fourth note is found inside the Science Lab. It talks about that using the "Sachiko Ever After" to go back to the real world without appeasing the Children Spirits is dangerous.

The fifth note is inside the classroom 1-A. It has notes 5/5, 6/5, 7/5 and #/5 and tells the player Naho's perspective of her finding Kou and killing him after darkening.


Significant plot details end here.

Item Navigation
Items in Corpse Party: Blood Covered
CHAPTER 1 Box of Matches100 Box of MatchesFilthy Bucket Filthy BucketInfirmary Key Infirmary KeyLoose board Loose Board
Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing AlcoholUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 2 Cursed Doll's Head Antique Doll (Head)Cursed Doll's Body Antique Doll (Body)Unknown Key Classroom 3-A Key
Nail Puller Nail PullerHeavenlyPost NewspaperCursed Doll Penitent SpiritPower Stone Power Stone
CHAPTER 3 Blessed Shoes Blessed ShoesCrystal of Unsealing Crystal of UnsealingLoose board Loose BoardMini-DV Tape Mini-DV Tape
Nail Puller Nail PullerScented Beads100 Scented BeadsBuilding Key Tiny KeyUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 4 Cursed Doll Cursed DollCustodians Key Custodian's KeyNaomi's Cellphone Naomi's Cell PhonePump Room Key Pump Room Key
Rusted Valve Wheel Rusted Valve WheelTongue Ryou's TongueSeiko's Cellphone Seiko's Cell Phone
Tongue Tokiko's TongueWinder100 WinderTongue Yuki's Tongue
CHAPTER 5 Baby Statue100 Baby StatueBlack Cat Plushie Black Cat PlushieBuilding Key Front Door KeyGas BurnerMarbled Statue Marble Statue
SIN100 Mini-DV "Sin" Tape2 Mini-DV TapePhone 2 Morishige's Cell Phone
Naho's Notebook Naho's NotebookNaomi's Student ID Naomi's Student IDPrincipal's Keys Principal's Key
Sachiko's Tongue100 Sachiko's TongueScienceLabKey Science Lab KeyYuka's Shoes Yuka's Shoes
EXCHAP 1 Chihaya's Pouch Chihaya's PouchDistinguished Glasses Distinguished GlassesFelt Hat Felt HatInfirmary Key Infirmary Key
Superstar Glasses Superstar Sunglasses
Unused Icons Please note that the icons weren't used in the game, so the item name is a speculation.
Phone 1 Morishige's Cell Phone ● Yoshie'sDiary Yoshie's Diary