Hikari Kirigami (桐上 ひかり Kirigami Hikari ) is a minor character introduced in Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, a student of Musashigawa Girls' Middle School's classroom 1-2, and a victim of Heavenly Host.
In Corpse Party: Tortured Souls, Hikari has short dark brown hair in two pigtails with dark blue bows. She is seen with dark blue eyes. Like all the other girls from Musashigawa's Girl School, Hikari wears the standard uniform.
In Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Hikari wears the same uniform, but her hair is not in two pigtails.
In the Corpse Party: Blood Covered manga, the uniform on Hikari's corpse looks different from the original Musashigawa's uniform.
Corpse Party[]
Her name tag can be found in Chapter 2. By collecting Hikari's name tag you can see that she bled out by unspecified injuries.
Hikari arrived at Heavenly Host Elementary with Chihaya Yamase, Nari Amatoya, Nana Ogasawara, Mika Naruse, and Rio Kazane after performing the Sachiko Ever After charm. Upon arriving at Heavenly Host, the girls got separated.
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows[]
Episode #2; 『Demise』[]
In Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Hikari gets all of her fingers cut off. Mayu Suzumoto comes across her corpse and noticed that she was missing a tongue.
Hikari is the one who suggested the charm since it's said that she's a huge fan of Naho Saenoki. According to Nana, the bottle of holy water that Hikari always keeps around (the one Mayu later takes from her corpse) is infused with the powers of a certain famous spiritual medium.
She was one of the people Nana was calling for when Mayu and Yoshiki Kishinuma was helping her.
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls[]
Episode 2: Broken Hinges[]
She was seen at the beginning of the episode being chased by Tokiko Tsuji with a pair of scissors before being stabbed.
- The name Hikari is written in hiragana (ひかり), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (光), it could possibly mean "light".
- Hikari's surname Kirigami means "paulownia" (桐) (kiri) and "above, top, upper" (上) (kami/gami).
- Her name was mistranslated as Hikari Kirijou in Corpse Party and Hikari Kiriue in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.
- Hikari is the only student from Musashigawa Girls' Middle School to appear in OVA anime.