Corpse Party Wiki

The Ghost Tongues are 4 items found in Corpse Party. They are required to appease the 4 evil spirits of the school. To find the first three tongues, you need to use the cursed doll, which tells the player the location of the tongues. In the live action movie, the tongues are all inside a glass jar, which is filled with liquid. 


Corpse Party

Ryou's Tongue



Itai no ichibu (Danji)

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

The severed tongue of one of the Heavenly Host murder victims, sealed in a small hemp bag.


Near Custodian's Closet.


Used to appease Ryou.

Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party: NewChapter, Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow


Ryou's Tongue is the first to be found by Yoshiki and Ayumi. It can be found under the floorboards near the Custodian's Closet by following the instructions of the Cursed Doll in Chapter 4. It belongs to Ryou Yoshizawa, the boy ghost, who can be found in the Infirmary at the time. When it is returned to him, he thanks the two and disappears.

Tokiko's Tongue



Itai no ichibu (Jyoji)

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

The severed tongue of one of the Heavenly Host murder victims, sealed in a small hemp bag.




Used to appease Tokiko.

Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party: NewChapter, Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow


Tokiko's Tongue is the second to be found by Yoshiki and Ayumi. They find it during Chapter 4 underneath the spigot in the pool, where someone previously had hidden it. It belongs to Tokiko Tsuji, the headless ghost. She can be found wandering the first floor halls with Yuki. When it is returned, she vanishes.

Yuki's Tongue



Itai no ichibu (Jyoji 2)

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

The severed tongue of one of the Heavenly Host murder victims, sealed in a small hemp bag.


Under Mayu's remains.


Used to appease Yuki.

Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party: NewChapter, Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow


Yuki's Tongue is the final tongue to be found by Yoshiki and Ayumi. The Cursed Doll tells them to search underneath the floorboards by the remains of Mayu. Both Yoshiki and Ayumi refuse to retrieve it from such a place. However, Sakutaro appears, holding the bag, and gives it to them. It belongs to Yuki Kanno, the ghost with the missing eye, who can be found on the first floor. When it is returned, she brings both Yoshiki and Ayumi back to the real world.

Sachiko's Tongue
Sachiko's Tongue100



Sachiko no shita

Corpse Party (BCRF) Details

Sachiko's tongue, enclosed in a hemp bag. Extracted from the desk drawer in the principal's office.


Principal's Office.


Used to appease Sachiko.

Spoiler Warning!: Spoilers for Corpse Party: NewChapter, Corpse Party (PC), Corpse Party (PSP, iOS) and Corpse Party (3DS) follow


Sachiko's Tongue is the last tongue to be found in the game, and is discovered by Satoshi, Yuka, and Naomi. When Satoshi looks in the bag, he is treated to a flashback of the principal cutting out her tongue. It belongs to Sachiko Shinozaki, the girl in red. When it, along with the Black Cat Plushie, are returned to her, she loses her control over the school, which allows the survivors to escape.


Significant plot details end here.



  • In the Japanese version of Corpse Party, it is only said to be a part of the corpse, not specifically the tongue.
  • It is heavily implied that Sakutaro dug through Mayu's remains to retrieve Yuki's tongue, as he's covered in blood. This is confirmed in the manga.
    • Unlike in the game, the manga shows that Yoshiki was ready to retrieve the bag himself using a board, but Ayumi stops him.
  • While Ryou, Tokiko and Yuki's tongues all share the same picture, Sachiko's one is the only one to have a different image, with a bag carefully closed unlike the others.
  • Other victims did find out about how the ghosts are looking for their tongues. This is implied by when Tokiko's tongue was found with a note next to it, stating that she had killed off all of the writer's friends, and could spend eternity without a tongue.
  • Ryou's tongue is also seen in Corpse Party: Another Child, while bags for Tokiko and Yuki contained other missing parts of their bodies.
    • Tokiko's head and Yuki's eye are also the items that appear in Blood Covered manga.
  • In the live action movie, there are only 2 ghost kids (Tokiko was omitted from the movie), but the amount of tongues inside the jar is a lot higher.


Corpse Party BloodCovered Manga

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls

Corpse Party: Another Child

Item Navigation
Items in Corpse Party: Blood Covered
CHAPTER 1 Box of Matches100 Box of MatchesFilthy Bucket Filthy BucketInfirmary Key Infirmary KeyLoose board Loose Board
Rubbing Alcohol Rubbing AlcoholUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 2 Cursed Doll's Head Antique Doll (Head)Cursed Doll's Body Antique Doll (Body)Unknown Key Classroom 3-A Key
Nail Puller Nail PullerHeavenlyPost NewspaperCursed Doll Penitent SpiritPower Stone Power Stone
CHAPTER 3 Blessed Shoes Blessed ShoesCrystal of Unsealing Crystal of UnsealingLoose board Loose BoardMini-DV Tape Mini-DV Tape
Nail Puller Nail PullerScented Beads100 Scented BeadsBuilding Key Tiny KeyUnknown Key Unknown Key
CHAPTER 4 Cursed Doll Cursed DollCustodians Key Custodian's KeyNaomi's Cellphone Naomi's Cell PhonePump Room Key Pump Room Key
Rusted Valve Wheel Rusted Valve WheelTongue Ryou's TongueSeiko's Cellphone Seiko's Cell Phone
Tongue Tokiko's TongueWinder100 WinderTongue Yuki's Tongue
CHAPTER 5 Baby Statue100 Baby StatueBlack Cat Plushie Black Cat PlushieBuilding Key Front Door KeyGas BurnerMarbled Statue Marble Statue
SIN100 Mini-DV "Sin" Tape2 Mini-DV TapePhone 2 Morishige's Cell Phone
Naho's Notebook Naho's NotebookNaomi's Student ID Naomi's Student IDPrincipal's Keys Principal's Key
Sachiko's Tongue100 Sachiko's TongueScienceLabKey Science Lab KeyYuka's Shoes Yuka's Shoes
EXCHAP 1 Chihaya's Pouch Chihaya's PouchDistinguished Glasses Distinguished GlassesFelt Hat Felt HatInfirmary Key Infirmary Key
Superstar Glasses Superstar Sunglasses
Unused Icons Please note that the icons weren't used in the game, so the item name is a speculation.
Phone 1 Morishige's Cell Phone ● Yoshie'sDiary Yoshie's Diary