Corpse Party (コープスパーティー,Kōpusu Pātī?) is a Japanese manga series written by CHIHIRO, illustrated by LiverJam (Friendly Land), and published by Square Enix. It was serialized on Monthly Gangan Joker, with the chapters collected into two tankōbon volumes. This manga is an adaptation of the Corpse Party live action movie.
Characters receive redesigns inspired by the actors and actresses of the live action movie.
Corpse Party revolves around a group of students from Kisaragi Academy and their teacher. To cheer up one of their classmates who's going to transfer schools, they perform a charm called Sachiko Ever After so they can remain friends forever. However, something goes wrong and they end up trapped in Heavenly Host Elementary School. Now, they have to find the way out of the cursed school.
The majority of the cast of characters are a group of students from Kisaragi Academy, along with their homeroom teacher.
Main Characters
Satoshi Mochida A gentle and kind person who always thinks of his little sister.
Naomi Nakashima Satoshi's classmate and friend. A strong-willed, determined person.
Ayumi Shinozaki The class representative. Loves occults, such as ghost stories and good-luck charms.
Yoshiki Kishinuma Satoshi's friend. A delinquent-looking guy who’s frank and honest.
1st Curse "Sachiko Ever After" (呪1 「幸せのサチコさん」) Naomi tells everyone to continue working on the festival, but no one really listens. The light goes out and their teacher, Yui enters the room. Along with her Satoshi's younger sister Yuka comes, who brings her brother an umbrella. Ayumi tells them all a scary story and asks if they could do a charm together. After doing it, they all end up getting sucked into a haunted school.
2nd Curse "Beginning of a Tragedy" After everyone starts panicking, Yui gets everyones attention and calms them down, they all follow her around the school and reach another classroom. Inside they find documents that reveal that they are stuck in an alternative dimension. They all hear a sound and Yui goes to check it out, just as is coming back, Yoshikazu hits her in the head with a sledgehammer, breaking her head apart and spilling it's contents on the ground.